Lost 12 pounds.

Took me about a year to lose 12 pounds. My diet was really not a diet. I followed my doctors diets.....eating smaller portions, eating a mixture of foods. No snacks at all after supper. My other occasional snacks would be fresh fruit or fresh veggies. My was slow, but I wanted to lose it slowly. I am only 4' 9" tall, and 75 years of age. My check ups are good, and my doctor is pleased.

Have a wonderful day. L.M. :)

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Oct 27, 2015
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My other occasional snacks would be fresh fruit or fresh veggies.

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Nov 08, 2010
Lost 12 pounds.
by: Anonymous

Your welcome anonymous person for your compliment.....and you are so right I am keeping the weight off. All be it I wish to lose 5 more pounds, but that too will come in a slow process that I have planned. When all else fails follow the instructions (according to your doctors). :)

God Bless you all. And thanks again. Have a great day.

Oct 13, 2010
Way 2 Go!
by: Anonymous

I think you did it the right way and I'll bet that weight stays off, because you made life changes instead of 'dieting'. Congratulations!

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