Rice Diet Plan

Rice diet plan is ideal for those who want to lose weight fast plus perform a major natural body detoxification and cleanse.

Benefits of Rice

Rice is one of the most common foods in the world, providing up to 50 percent of calories for half the world's population.

But it is important to remember that there are many different types of rice and not all of them are equally beneficial for your diet.

Brown rice, for example, is less processed and filled with fiber and nutrients, and is not only healthier than white rice, but it also play an important part in losing body fat and maintaining healthy weight.

Rice is an excellent diet food to keep your body healthy and energized. Brown rice in particular is loaded with vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. It is also a very good source of dietary fiber that can help fight and prevent many gastrointestinal problems and constipation.

The cleansing and detoxifying qualities of brown rice have been known for centuries. Unbleached rice works as a sponge in your digestive system scrubbing and absorbing all of the toxins accumulated there over the years. Brown rice is also known to help with allergies, maintain healthy heart, is a great food for type II Diabetes, it can even prevent cancer and is gluten free.

rice diet plan

The rice diet plan is very popular because:

  1. It’s low calorie
  2. It’s highly effective
  3. It’s fulfilling
  4. It cleanses the whole body
  5. Last but not least, it’s very delicious.

There are three rice diet plans.

1. Brown Rice Fasting Plan

First is when you need to lose few extra pounds and detox your body quickly. This rice diet is also referred to as rice fasting.

A brown rice fast is actually an ancient practice dating back thousands of years. While it is a milder form of fasting it offer its own unique advantages and benefits.

Rice fast does not produce extreme symptoms of detoxification as in water fasting, for example. Rice fasting is rather soothing and gently removes toxins from your bloodstream allowing you to avoid a feeling of discomfort that is often present during fasting.

The standard rice fasting plan takes 3 days to complete.

If you feel like it’s too much for you, try to go with only one day and repeat the fast after a week gradually increasing the duration of the fast.

3 Day Rice Detox

The plan is simple. For three consequent day eat only brown rice. For that you will need 3- cups of brown rice, preferably presoaked and thoroughly cooked.

Try to split up your rice into 4-5 meals. You may a little bit of sea salt or a dash of cayenne pepper. You may also add a little bit of raw coconut oil or butter. These fats are thought to aid in the elimination of fat-soluble toxins and are used in tissue repair. Just make sure you use fats in moderation and don’t overload your rice with them.

And as usual: do not forget to drink at least 8 cups of water a day.

After 3 day slowly ease back into your regular foods. Introduce new foods gradually, allowing your body to adjust. Normally it would take you 1 ½ to 2 days to completely return to your normal menu.

This fast will not only cleanse your body and improve your digestion but also help you lose up to 8 pounds.

2. 7 Day Rice Diet Plan

Of course, if you never done fasting before and feel intimidated by mono diets then we have a special 7 day rice diet plan menu that is much easier to follow psychologically as it isbalanced diet plan that nonetheless have the equally amazing health and weight loss benefits.

Rice Diet Tips

  • Choose only unbleached brown rice for your diet
  • Avoid coffee or black tea during your 7 day plan
  • Drink at least 8 cups of water daily
  • Do not eat fried, grilled, smoked or canned foods.

7 Day Rice Diet Plan Menu


  • Breakfast – ½ cup of brown rice, 1 apple, 1 cup of green tea.
  • Lunch – Vegetable soup, salad and ½ cup of brown rice.
  • Dinner – Brown rice with steamed veggies of your liking.


  • Breakfast – Brown rice, 1 fruit of any kind except for bananas or grapes.
  • Lunch – Vegetable soup, baked or broiled fish with brown rice, veggies.
  • Dinner – Brown rice with a little bit of butter or virgin coconut oil.


  • Breakfast – Brown rice, 1 apple, few raisins.
  • Lunch – Vegetable soup, cucumber salad.
  • Dinner – Baked mushrooms, large salad.


  • Breakfast – Brown rice, plain yogurt.
  • Lunch – Vegetable soup, 2 oz of lean meat, salad.
  • Dinner – Brown rice with vegetables.


  • Breakfast – Brown rice, 1 fruit.
  • Lunch – Vegetable soup, brown rice, salad or steamed veggies, fish.
  • Dinner – Brown rice, salad.


  • Breakfast – Brown rice, 1 apple, few walnuts.
  • Lunch – Vegetable soup, brown rice, lean meat, salad or steamed veggies.
  • Dinner – Brown rice with a little butter or virgin coconut oil.


  • Breakfast – Brown rice, 1 fruit.
  • Lunch – Vegetable soup, brown rice, beans, fish.
  • Dinner – Brown rice, large salad with olives and zucchini.

3. 14 Day Rice Diet Plan

For those who have a very busy lifestyle and have difficulty following a diet plan, there is an easy and effective way to lose a few pounds and perform mild body detox.

Simply eat few tablespoons of cooked brown rice for breakfast for the duration of two weeks. You can eat normally the rest of the day. Just make sure you eat in moderation and avoid alcohol, sugars and processed foods.

How to Cook Your Rice

Some people find it tricky and time consuming to cook rice. And since you will need to eat rice every day during your rice fast or 7 day plan, it will be easier if you cook your rice in advance. For every cup of uncooked rice use 2 cups of water. Leave it soaking overnight, do not refrigerate. After that rinse, add a little more water and cook until tender.

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